Step by Step Guide to Repair your Files


  1. Download and Install the Software and then Go to Start » All Programs » DBX. dbx repair software
  2. click on "ADD" button and Enter the location of DBX files or browse the folder where .dbx files are located. scan-dbx-file
  3. Clicking on ADD button will open a folder to locate DBX files.
    Select the DBX File you want to recover and then click Open button to load DBX file
  4. To select multiple DBX files, repeat the above process.
  5. Now click on Browse button and locate the folder where you want to save recovered Outlook Express DBX E-mail files view-the-files-from-backup view-the-files-from-backup extract-selected-files
  6. Clicking on Recover button will start recovering DBX files.
    Now when the recovery process is executed Successfully Recovered message would be displayed extract-all-folder
  7. All recovered E-mails files will get stored at the location you provided and can be opened with suitable program. extraction-completed